Got my "Work work" done so I gave myself permission to play. It is REALLY HARD to just keep it simple. That and it is really hard to stop with just a few prints. Then, the more ink one adds to the plate, the more prints and more layers and then more and more. (This sure makes me sound like an addict.)
These were from Lesson 1 (of three) of Carla Sondheim's online class.
Kind of like the color combo here....not loving it, but it still has potential.
Dark but workable.
Yuck. Just yuck.
Very simple one. Like it. "Less is More". Now, to not ruin it!
Ghost print...really love this one! Just one pull, nothing extra added.
Not sure that the colors show up on this but it was a "wipe off" print that is loaded with lots of subtle color to DO with it??
Not at all thrilled with this one--overworked? Can this print be saved??
This one has some overworked areas but I think the clear zone in the center kind of keeps it from being overdone....
Too many strong horizontals....what to do? What to do?
What I learned:
**I learned that to do SIMPLE is hard. I spent some time looking at the design elements on the Marimekko website this morning for ideas on color, contrast and simplicity.
** I learned that I really really like when there is color variation within a pull. I may be one of those people who really doesn't want to mix colors thoroughly.
** I learned that shadows in photos make me crazy. I HAVE to learn to take better photos if I'm going to be putting pictures up on a blog....oy.
**I learned that I love online classes. I can go to school at my leisure, in comfy clothes, at any hour, all from home. Thank you to Carolyn Dube and Carla Sondheim.
**I learned that adding water to leftover paint on the plate makes cool watercolor effects. Who knew?! I need to play with this some more. I got some cool effects but not what I was going for.
**I learned that hot press watercolor paper is an AWESOME substrate. Can't wait to do some washes and wash-offs. Can't do that with a less substantial paper. find some found objects around the house to work on these some more. But only just a bit.....not too to know when to stop?!